REGD NO. CTC/4044:245 OF 1985-86
Prof Raj Kishor Das Prof Jogindra Mohan Senapati Prof Banchhanidhi Parida Prof Basant Mardaraj
President Vice president General Secretary Treasurer
This site is designed by Dr. Umakant Satapathy, Associate Professor, Physiology on behalf of the Association of The Physiologists of Orissa for proper co-ordination, cooperation & long life of APO.
The All Orissa Medical Physiology Quiz-2011
Organised by The Association of The Physiologists of Orissa in all the
Medical Colleges of Orissa (Govt. & Private)
Association of the Physiologists of Orissa (APO), organizes a quiz competition in PHYSIOLOGY in November 2011 on the auspicious day of its Annual Conference.. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners (Group) will be awarded by the President of APO in the auspicious occasion of the Annual Conference. The different criteria's for participation are as follows.
Who can participate: Two or three students from each of six Medical Colleges of Orissa will be nominated by the Prof & HOD of the Physiology Deparment.
Venue: VSS Medical College, Burla.
Time: As per the programme of conference.
Question type: Multiple choice of audiovisual type.
Duration: One hour
Each correct response:- 10
Each incorrect response: 0
Extra correct answer: Bonus 5
Extra wrong answer: (-) 5
Dr. Umakant Satapathy,
Associate Professor,